Contents tagged with fee-for-service
The future of family medicine and primary care ain’t what it used to be
Fast moving market changes pose challenges and opportunities for family doctors in every sector
By Tom Banning, TAFP CEO
I love a good Yogi Berra quote to start off a column and few have ever been as appropriate as this one is for family physicians today: The future ain’t what it used to be.
Changes in the health care marketplace here in Texas and across the country pose significant challenges and opportunities for our members, whether they practice in rural or metropolitan communities, regardless of where they fall on the broad spectrum of practice types. I believe addressing these changes is among the most pressing issues we face as an Academy.
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Direct primary care: An alternative to fee-for-service
Direct primary care: An alternative to fee-for-service
By Kate Alfano
Unlimited time with patients, decreased practice overhead, less exposure to risk, fewer medical errors, zero … more
Providers must obtain palivizumab vaccine for FFS patients through VDP
Providers must obtain palivizumab vaccine for FFS patients through VDP
posted 10.03.13
Providers prescribing palivizumab to fee-for-service Medicaid patients must now get the vaccine through the … more
Cover: Trading Volume for Value
Trading Volume for Value
Can we solve the country’s health care cost crisis by aligning payment incentives with desired outcomes in a new era of austerity?
As worry builds over the … more
America’s health care price tag: An inflationary tale
By Roland A. Goertz, M.D., M.B.A.
What is it that makes American health care so expensive compared to every other developed country? I am often asked that question, and giving an accurate or simple answer is difficult. Instead of a long list of items that underlie the problem, I will describe four well-intended processes that I believe have created an inherently inflationary model of care. We have all benefited from the creation of the four processes, but we now pay a huge price for maintaining them.
Health Insurance