Contents tagged with facebook
Report on the 2014 C. Frank Webber Lectureship
Report on the 2014 C. Frank Webber Lectureship
Family physicians congregate in Austin for annual symposium
posted 03.19.14
Almost 300 physicians attended the C. Frank Webber Lectureship held … more
Report on the 2013 C. Frank Webber Lectureship
Report on the 2013 C. Frank Webber Lectureship
Family physicians gather in Austin for annual lectureship and interim session
posted 03.06.13
Over 400 physicians, residents, and medical … more
Social media changing the face of health care as we know it
While visiting Dr. Justin Bartos, this year’s TAFP Physician of the Year, we convinced the North Richland Hills doc to join the family medicine revolution (#FMRevolution) and create a Twitter handle (@jbartos3). We are proud to say that our very own TAFP President, Troy Fiesinger, M.D., maintains his own blog ( and is very active on Twitter (@TroyTxFamilyDoc). The Academy, of course, is also lively across multiple social media platforms including Twitter (@TXFamilyDocs), Facebook, and LinkedIn.
While it may seem as though I’m speaking in code, it’s actually just the language of the technologically advanced 21st century. Get used to these hashtags, handles, links, and profiles, because they are here for the long haul. But what can social media do for health care and doctors like yourself, you ask? Simply put, it makes things that you already do easier, digitally. In fact, Medscape reports that one in four physicians already uses social media on a daily basis.
Websites like the aforementioned ones allow you to network with other physicians, connect with patients, follow medical organizations, and stay up to date on just about any kind of news. The Medscape study also found that primary care physicians are usually motivated to use social media as a way to connect with peers and be influenced by them. The Academy uses social media to spread news to our members, keep in contact with similar organizations and people relevant to health care and the state of Texas, and network with like-minded people.
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Social Media
Like TAFP on Facebook for frequent updates on the Academy’s happenings, articles you might find interesting, and to see conference photos.
Follow @TXFamilyDocs and #TAFP on Twitter to … more
New for you: TAFP expands social network
New for you: TAFP expands social network
As part of our continual effort to connect with members, TAFP has joined the social networking websites Facebook and Twitter.
Your Academy has its own “ … more