Bookmark another great member blog – Practice Transformation with Dr. Gerdes

Tags: practice management, practice transformation, transformed, family physician

Real Life Practice Transformation,” a blog by TAFP President Melissa Gerdes, M.D., for AAFP’s Family Practice Management journal, gives physicians advice on implementing aspects of the medical home. Gerdes’ practice emerged as a star of the initial TransforMED National Demonstration Project, making her the perfect physician to share her experiences—good and bad—with the larger AAFP community.

The TransforMED model builds on the physician-patient relationship already cultivated in primary care, while adding new technology and approaches to help practices better serve the needs of patients and practices. The basics of the model focus on increasing patients’ access to care and information, becoming more efficient in practice management, enhancing practice-based services, expanding the use of health information technology, providing better care management, improving quality and safety, coordinating care in a more effective way, and supporting practice-based team care.

If it sounds like a lot, it is, and the NDP proved that practices need support from the entire staff and their patients to start implementing some of the recommendations. Reading Gerdes’ posts is a good first step to evaluating what the TransforMED recommendations can do for your practice.

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– kalfano

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