Contents tagged with regional extension center
Do EHR mandates exist?
Do EHR mandates exist?
It depends. What is your definition of a mandate? You do not have to use an electronic health record in your practice, but if you don’t, Medicare penalties will be incurred … more
E-prescribe by June 30 and avoid penalties
E-prescribe by June 30 and avoid penalties
posted 06.19.13
Medicare physicians must report e-prescribing on at least 10 unique Medicare encounters using G-code G8553 by June 30, 2013 to avoid a 2 … more
Provide patients clinical summaries to help meet meaningful use
Provide patients clinical summaries to help meet meaningful use
One of the most difficult meaningful use measures that practices must meet is the one requiring them to give patients a clinical … more
CMS extends e-prescribing hardship deadline
CMS extends e-prescribing hardship deadline
By the TMA Department of Health Information Technology
posted 11.09.12
If you missed the opportunity earlier this year to claim an e-prescribing … more
Health information technology
HIT Toolkit for Family PhysiciansTAFP has made available a library of tools and resources to help family physicians earn health information technology incentive … more
Texas Medicare, Medicaid EHR incentive payments reach $30 million
Texas Medicare, Medicaid EHR incentive payments reach $30 million
posted 11.01.11
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services have paid $30 million in electronic health record incentive … more
Technology: Installing the future
Installing the future
Disbursement of incentive payments for electronic health records becomes a reality for physicians
By Erin Redwine
Health information technology plays a … more