Contents tagged with primary care coalition
Missed opportunities in the 84th Texas Legislature
By Tom Banning
TAFP CEO/EVPYogi Berra famously said I hate making predictions, especially about the future. It’s particularly painful when those predictions come true as was the case for many of the predictions TAFP made at the outset of the 84th Texas Legislature on how health care issues would fare this session.
Playing to their primary voters, the House and Senate focused attention almost solely on tax cuts, border security, transportation, when and where you can carry a gun, and a host of other mostly inconsequential partisan ideas.
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TAFP to Legislature: Support collaborative care model, maintain scope of practice
TAFP to Legislature: Support collaborative care model, maintain scope of practice
posted 11.02.10
The Primary Care Coalition has released its latest advocacy resource: a set of three policy … more
Primary care group urges continued state funding for primary care preceptorships
Primary care group urges continued state funding for primary care preceptorships
posted 10.14.10
The Primary Care Coalition, a partnership comprised of the Texas Academy of Family Physicians, the … more
Scope of Practice
Scope of Practice
The Question of Independent Diagnosis and Prescriptive Authority for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses in Texas: Is the Reward Worth the Risk?posted 02.15.11
Primary Care … more
Capitol Update: With time running out on the Legislature, special session “likely”
Capitol Update: With time running out on the Legislature, special session “likely”
posted 05.17.11
New law allows rural hospitals to hire physicians
IMG licensure bill heads to … more
National survey predicts growing shortage of primary care physicians
National survey predicts growing shortage of primary care physicians
Add one more report to the mounting stack of evidence that primary care in America is in short supply and in danger of becoming … more
Favorable political climate during the interim good indication for next session
Favorable political climate during the interim good indication for next session
By Kate McCann
Though the most noticeable battles take place at the Capitol during the first five months of odd- … more