Contents tagged with family fun fest

  • President's Letter

    Tags: president's letter, amer shakil, family fun fest, TAFP, Texas Academy of Family Physicians

    Keeping up the fight for family medicine through the pandemic

    By Amer Shakil, MD, MBA
    TAFP President

    Greetings members. What a strange year and a half its been for all of us. As life is slowly and cautiously beginning to return to something akin to normal, we should take a moment to acknowledge the struggles and the achievements we have experienced, both individually and as a specialty. Over these several months, the resilience of family physicians, our physician colleagues, other health care providers, and aides of all sorts has been nothing short of amazing.

    I have also marveled at the resilience of our Academy. In February of 2020, it seemed unimaginable that we would cancel April’s C. Frank Webber Lectureship and Interim Session. And then it became obvious that we couldn’t possibly hold the meeting. The Academy would go on to learn to produce virtual conferences, and that’s how we would conduct business for the rest of the year.
