TAFP members elected to HCMS leadership
TAFP members elected to HCMS leadership
Several TAFP members were appointed to leadership positions at the Harris County Medical Society/Houston Academy of Medicine Annual Business meeting Oct. 30. They will serve on the 2008 HCMS Executive Board. Congratulations to Lewis E. Foxhall, M.D., HCMS president elect; JoAnne L. Rogers, M.D., HAM treasurer and second-year member at large; Robert B. Morrow, M.D., HAM secretary and first-year member at large; and Janette K. Bateman, president of the Southeast Branch.
In addition to the executive board, Armando Jarquin, M.D., Earl F. Martin, M.D., Presley J. Mock, Jr., M.D., JoAnne L. Rogers, M.D., and Robert C. Vanzant, M.D., will serve two-year terms as HCMS delegates to the Texas Medical Association. Janette K. Bateman, M.D., Dwane G. Broussard, M.D., Donald R. Niño, M.D., and Anthony J. Popek, M.D., will serve two-year terms as alternate delegates to TMA.