Atlantic Health Partners provides affordable immunizations

Tags: vaccination, immunization, atlantic health partners

Atlantic Health Partners provides affordable immunizations

posted 2.19.14

What better time than now to analyze your vaccine needs? TAFP partners with an organization to help our members more effectively provide immunizations to patients. Atlantic Health Partners provides the lowest prices for a wide range of immunizations along with valuable customer service and support.

Atlantic offers great prices and terms for Sanofi Fluzone vaccines. Participation with Atlantic will help you better prepare for flu season, save you money on vaccines throughout the year, and enhance patient satisfaction with your practice.

In addition to helping your practice save money on all Sanofi, Merck, and Medimmune vaccines, Atlantic also provides vaccine reimbursement support, advocacy, and other discount programs.

Contact Cindy or Jeff at (800) 741-2044 or to see how they can benefit your practice.