Feb. 28 is Medicare EHR attestation deadline

Tags: ehr, medicare, centers for medicare and medicaid services, texas medical association, health information technology, meaningful use

Feb. 28 is Medicare EHR attestation deadline

posted 02.14.13

Physicians participating in the Medicare electronic health record incentive program have until Feb. 28 to complete their meaningful use attestation. Physicians should attest as soon as possible to avoid any potential glitches that could delay—or worse—prevent payment. Physicians participating in the Medicaid EHR incentive program have until March 16 to attest.

The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services has published some helpful resources for physicians:

The Texas Medical Association’s EHR Incentive Program Resource Center provides a compilation of resources to help physicians.

Physicians needing help navigating the complexities of compliance with the EHR incentive program can contact their local regional extension center, established by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. The RECs are able to help all physicians, but may be able to discount services for primary care physicians. Details about the REC program are available on the TMA website in the Texas REC Resource Center.

For more information, call the TMA Health Information Technology Department at (800) 880-5720 or e-mail HIT@texmed.org.