Recognize your practice through new awards program

Tags: texas osteopathic medical association, tmf health quality institute, award, nomination, medicare, practice, texas medical association

Recognize your practice through new awards program

posted 07.31.12

Texas physician practices are making great strides in patient care through preventive services and the use of health information technology. To recognize these practices, TMF Health Quality Institute, the Texas Medical Association, and the Texas Osteopathic Medical Association have partnered to introduce the inaugural Texas Physician Practice Quality Improvement Award.

“We are excited to formally recognize physician practices statewide that are working to improve the quality of care for patients in Texas,” said David E. Garza, D.O., president of TMF Health Quality Institute’s Board of Trustees and a TAFP-member family physician in Laredo. “This award gives these practices an opportunity to showcase and spread the word about their commitment to excellence.”

The program is open to all Texas physician practices with one or more Texas-licensed physicians providing care to Medicare fee-for-service patients. Award criteria include adoption of health information technology, use of population care management methods, participation in data reporting initiatives, and top performance on nationally recognized clinical outcomes measures.

TMA and TOMA will recognize award recipients. In addition, TMF will launch a media campaign to announce recipients statewide in medical publications, magazines, and news publications, and will provide a press kit for physicians to use with their local broadcast and print media. Practices meeting the criteria will receive a plaque in recognition of their accomplishment.

Physician practices are encouraged to highlight their efforts to provide the best in patient care by participating in this free award program. Practices must self-nominate by Sept. 30, 2012, and apply by Feb. 8, 2013. Winners will be recognized statewide in late spring 2013.

Nominate your practice by completing a one-page online nomination form or by faxing a hard copy of the self-nomination form (PDF) to (512) 334-1756. For more information, call Suzanne Daly, MHA, at (512) 964-5988, e-mail or, or go online to